DC 37 Organizing
DC 37 improves working life
1. Better Working Conditions
Our union members work together to bargain for better working conditions.
2. Money
When we negotiate as one, unionized employees receive better wages than non-union workers. District Council 37 employs professional representatives who work hard negotiating with management to get better pay.
3. Benefits
Joining DC 37 ensures that decent benefits is part of your job and your future. By negotiating together for contracts, workers get benefits that take care of their needs and of their families. In truth, many of these benefits and perks would not exist without a union providing them.
4. Retirement
Retirement might seem way off in the future, but it is never too early to start saving. DC 37 also lobbies for better pension benefits for all workers, so everyone has more for their retirement years. Retirement plans and pensions are complicated. You need someone on your side to show the way.
5. Workplace Challenges
You have expert representation in your corner. When management doesn’t follow the rules, a grievance process gives you the mechanism you need to resolve the problem.
6. DC 37’s Got Your Back
A good union contract will offer protection from favoritism and provide a just-cause clause in your contract — meaning you can’t lose your job just because your manager doesn’t like you.
7. You Can Learn
DC 37 offers learning opportunities for its members. Training can cover anything from conflict resolution to grievance handling; labor law to human rights; communications to health and safety.
8. Grievances
DC 37 offers a listening ear to all workers. Grievance procedures are built into union contracts, giving employees the power to be treated with dignity and respect.
9. Safety
A union contract gives employees the immediate right to insist on a safe work environment.
10. Power to the People
The voice of many is much stronger than the voice of one. Working with co-workers as members of a union creates a much stronger presence when negotiating with management.
Organize! Contact Us
Tel. (212) 815-1095 • Email: organizing@dc37.net
DC 37 Organizing Dept., 125 Barclay Street, Room 770, New York, NY 10007.