DC 37 Locals
95 | Head Start Employees | Linda McPherson | Non-Profit and Private Sector | 420 West 45th St.; (212) 219-0022 Email: LMcPherson@dc37.net Web: www.dc1707l95wf.net |
154 | NYC Amalgamated Professional Employees | Juan A. Fernández | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1040 Web: www.local154.org |
205 | Day Care Employees | Robert Ramos | Non-Profit and Private Sector | 420 West 45th St.; (212) 219-0022 |
215 | Social Service Employees | Marisol Arroyo | Non-Profit and Private Sector | 420 West 45th St.; (212) 219-0022 Email: MArroyo@dc37.net |
253 | Education Employees | Carolyn Washington | Non-Profit and Private Sector | 420 West 45th St.; (212) 219-0022 Email: cwashington@dc37.net |
299 | Local 299, AFSCME | Dejon Williams | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1040 Email:dc37local299@aol.com |
371 | New York Social Service Employees Local 371 | Anthony Wells | Professional and Healthcare | 817 Broadway; (212) 677-3900 Web: www.sseu371.org |
372 | NYC Board of Education Employees | Shaun D. Francois I | Education and Libraries | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1050 Fax: (212) 341-4794 Web: www.local372.org |
374 | Quasi-Public Employees | Leonard Paul | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-7506 |
375 | Civil Service Technical Guild | Mike Troman | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1375 Web: www.local375.org |
376 | NYC Construction Laborers, Highway Repairers and Watershed Maintainers | Patrick McFarland | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1010 Email: nyclocal376@gmail.com |
384 | City University of New York and Educational Opportunity Centers | Lenore McShane | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 Email: presidentl384@gmail.com Web: www.local384dc37.net |
389 | Home Care Employees | Margaret Glover | Non-Profit and Private Sector | 420 West 45th St.; (212) 815-1700 Email: Margaretglover.23@gmail.com |
420 | Municipal Hospital Employees Union | Carmen Charles | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St. (212) 815-1040 Fax: (212) 341-4796 |
436 | United Federation of Nurses and Epidemiologists | Sharon Braxton | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1436 Email: Local436@outlook.com |
461 | NYC Lifeguards | Alma Diamond | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
508 | NYC Lifeguard Supervisors | Peter Stein | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1010 |
768 | NYC Health Services Employees | Carmen De León | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St.; (917) 920-0139 Fax: (212) 341-4796 Email: cdeleonl768@gmail_com Web: www.local768.net |
924 | NYC Laborers | Kyle Simmons | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1924 |
957 | NYC Housing Authority Clerical Employees | Harrison Campbell | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 |
983 | NYC Motor Vehicle Operators | Joe Puleo | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 Web: www.local983.com |
1070 | Court, County & Dept. of Probation Employees | Renee Belmar | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 Email: L1070dc37@aol.com Web: www.local1070.org |
1087 | NYC Prevailing Rate Employees | Ron Riccardi | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1113 | NYC Finance Administrative Employees and City Investigators | Deborah Pitts | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 |
1157 | NYC Department of Transportation Supervisory Employees | Mike Gardini | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1189 | NYC Psychologists | Dr. Leonard Davidman | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1040 |
1251 | NYC Board of Education Clerical-Administrative Employees | Francine Francis | Education and Libraries | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1050 |
1306 | American Museum of Natural History | William Vera | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1320 | NYC Sewage Treatment and Senior Sewage Treatment Workers | Thomas Custance | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 Web: www.local1320.org |
1321 | Queens Library Guild | John Hyslop | Education and Libraries | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1040 Email: local1321@verizon.net Web: www.Local1321.org |
1322 | NYC DEP Supervisory Employees | John Thomas | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 |
1359 | Rent Regulation Services Employees | Dennis Ifill | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 Web: www.local1359.org |
1407 | NYC Accountants, Statisticians & Actuaries | Maf Misbah Uddin | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1040 E-mail: president@local1407.org Web: www.local1407.org |
1455 | NYC Traffic Employees | Michael DeMarco | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1010 Web: www.local1455.org |
1482 | Brooklyn Library Guild | George Sarah Olken | Education and Libraries | 125 Barclay St. Web: www.local1482.org Email: GOlken@DC37.net |
1501 | Wildlife Conservation Society | Raul Domenech | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1502 | Brooklyn Museum | Wilson Souffant | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1503 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | Manus Gallagher | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 Email: Local1503Information@gmail.com Web: Local1503.org |
1505 | NYC Attendants, Park Service Workers, City Park Workers & Debris Removers | Dilcy Benn | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 E-mail: local1505@verizon.net Web: https://local1505.net/ |
1506 | NYC Department of Parks Climbers & Pruners | Eric Gibson | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1507 | NYC Department of Parks Gardeners | Dan Clay | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1508 | Uniformed Park Supervisors | Vinny Musillo | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (646) 787-5007 Email: Musillo1508@gmail.com Web: www.local1508.com |
1549 | NYC Clerical-Administrative Employees | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1549 Email: L1549@yahoo.com Web: www.local1549.com | |
1559 | American Museum of Natural History | Christine LeBeau | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1597 | NYC Custodial Assistant Employees | Valerie McQueen | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1655 | Metropolitan Transportation Authority Clerical-Administrative Employees | Magaly Rosario | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 |
1740 | New York City School Construction Authority | Charles Komlo | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 |
1757 | NYC Assessors, Appraisers & Housing Development Specialists | Candice Ficalora | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1757 Email: local1757@dc37.net |
1797 | NYC Custodial Supervisors | George Aguilar | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 |
1930 | New York Public Library Guild | Deborah Allman | Education and Libraries | 125 Barclay St.; (917) 757-8119 Email: debbieallm@gmail.com Web: Local1930 |
1931 | TBTA Maintenance Employees | Vincent Familio | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 Email: President@local1931.com |
2054 | NYC College Assistants | Dishunta Meredith | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 E-mail: local2054@verizon.net |
2507 | Uniformed EMTs & Paramedics of the FDNY | Oren Barzilay | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 47-09 30th St., 3rd fl. Long Island City, NY 11101 (718) 371-0310 Web: www.local2507.com |
2627 | NYC Electronic Data Processing Personnel | Laura Morand | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 Web: www.Local2627.org |
2906 | NYC Marine Workers | John Hennessy | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 |
3005 | NYC Health Department Technical Professional Employees | Samantha Rappa-Giovagnoli | Professional and Healthcare | 125 Barclay St.; (917) 796-4908 Email: sgiovagnoli@dc37.net Web: www.local3005.net |
Assoc. 3333 | Parks Opportunity Program | Parks, Cultural and Higher Education | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1060 | |
3599 | NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection Technical Professional Employees | Richard Kowalczyk | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1020 Web: www.local3599.com |
3621 | Uniformed EMS Officers Union, FDNY | Vincent Variale | Professional and Healthcare | 47-09 30th St., 3rd fl. Long Island City, NY 11101 Tel: (718) 371-0310 Fax: (718) 371-0318 Web: www.uemso.com |
3652 | Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Technical Professional Employees | Sherif Fawzy | State, Administrative and Authorities | 125 Barclay St.; (646) 252-2354 Email: info@local-3652.com Web: www.local-3652.com |
3778 | New York City Police Department (NYPD) Technical Professional Employees | Olivia Duong | Professional and Healthcare | Contact info: 125 Barclay St.; Tel. N/A Email: Local3778@gmail.com Web: www.local3778.org |
5911 | NYC Police Communications Technicians and Supervisors | Arisleyda Estrella-Skinner | 125 Barclay St.; (212) 815-1911 Email: President@local5911.net |