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Local 205 Day Care Employees

Local 205 joins City leaders, activists to demand worker pay and day care funding

At a city hall rally on Wednesday, Oct. 19, Local 205 members, union leaders and elected officials joined Council Member Rita Joseph, chair of the City Council Education Committee, to demand the Department of Education adequately fund day care and child care centers, and pay the essential workers who care for New York City’s youngest. Read More.

FREE At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits

Beginning Wednesday, January 19, 2022, you can order free rapid COVID-19 test kits through the government at the following website

A total of four test kits can be ordered per household.
Call 1-800-232-0233 to order the four boxes of free COVID-19 tests.
Feel free to share this information with your family members, relatives and friends.


Test prep workshops for teacher certification exams begin soon.
Test prep workshops for Assistant Teachers begin soon.
Click here to register.

State –mandated workshops needed for certification.

Preparation classes for NYSTCE certification exams and all other classes.

For more information, click here.

Important Resources for DC 37, Local 205

Robert Ramos

Telephone Number
(212) 815-1700

Who We Are
Since its founding and signing its first contract in 1967, this local’s 6,000 members work in more than 350 early education and child care centers located throughout New York City. This local has been the bulwark for quality affordable child care. Day care members, through their dedication and expertise, have elevated the New York system into a showcase for the nation.

Early education and day care advocates cite New York’s system as an example of the advantages of unionized child care.

Few locals in the city can boast of a comparable record of legislative/political mobilization. Demonstrations by Local 205 members have numbered in the thousands as members as well as parents have never failed to respond to threats against city’s vital early education and day care system. This mobilization has won legislation and increased funding throughout the state. Members were instrumental also in securing passage of the Act for Better Child Care which increased federal spending and resources for child care throughout the nation.

DC 37 is at your service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for more information.

We Work As
Early Childhood Education Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Professional Support Staff.

We Work In
Early Education and Child Care centers in New York City.

Early Childhood Career Ladder
Local 205, CSA and the Day Care Council of New York are committed to providing the highest quality of early childhood care and education. We are excited to announce the launch of the Early Childhood Career Ladder (ECCL) program this fall. The collective bargaining agreement between New York City, Local 205, CSA, and the Day Care Council of New York (DCCNY) includes $2.5 million in funding for ECCL. The Early Childhood Career Ladder Program (ECCL) seeks to strengthen the quality of care children receive by increasing the number of certified professionals in New York City’s early childhood education system. The goal of the ECCL program is to provide financial support for eligible individuals who want to advance their careers professionally by continuing their education.

Currently the program is not accepting new students. Registration will reopen as new funding becomes available.

Another source of funding available for classroom personnel in Day Care programs is The Educational Incentive Program (EIP).

The Educational Incentive Program is sponsored by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, funded by the federal Child Care and Development Fund and administered by the Professional Development Program, Rockefeller College, University at Albany. Its purpose is to assist child care providers in paying for the professional development training and education they need to provide quality care to children. Click here for more information.

If you have questions about the program, please email Marcia Hunte, Education Program Coordinator at

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