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DC 37 Education Fund Classes

Advanced Public Speaking

This course builds and advances on the concepts learned in foundational public speaking and includes learning and practicing advanced public speaking skills, such as impromptu public speaking, adhering to strict time limits, incorporating source materials and evidence, advanced use of visual tools, and advanced persuasive speech. Instruction focuses on three specific kinds of speeches: Impromptu, Persuasive (proposition of value), and Persuasive (proposition of policy).

*Pre-Requisite: Public Speaking.

Call (212) 815-1700 for more information.

Please click on the schedule of your choice to register.

Course Schedule:
Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (Oct. 29-Dec. 10) Online. REGISTER HERE
October 11

After you apply, you will receive a copy of your application. Once eligibility has been checked, you will receive an email that will require you to confirm.