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DC 37 Education Fund Classes

Professional Development Hours Workshop for Engineers and Registered Architects

Scheduled seminars throughout the DC 37 Education Fund provide licensed Professional Engineers and Registered Architects the opportunity to earn Professional Development Hours for license renewal. Engineers are required to have a minimum of 36 development hours as part of the renewal process; 18 of which must be in an interactive classroom setting. These seminars are open to licensed engineers and architects only.

September/October 2024 webinars

September 2024 to October 2024 – Seminars and Instructors’ biographies.

CE-296 (*)(+) Engineering Economics #5: Change Orders Affecting Eng. Projects
The first session will explore how the outset of any arrangement between parties can be altered by a change in the requirement of a project by a client.
The change or the change order procedure would be the method that can modify or prevent alternate dispute resolution (ADR) from further delays or interruption of a project.
The change order protocol is a means to adjust the critical path (CPM) of a project.
Each contractual agreement will provide a narrative, clauses and or exhibit to prepare and submit a change order to the parties involved.

Subject: CE-296 (*)(+) Engineering Economics #5: Change Orders Affecting Eng. Projects
Time: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Location: Webinar
Instructor: Salvador Rozenberg, MBA, RPA

CE-297 (*)(+) Engineering Economics #6: Change Orders Affecting Eng. Projects
By formulating the necessary components as to how a change order can be imitated, the second session can explore the methods that provide both parties to understand the change cost factor, time duration, and the finalized completion of a project and deliverable to the client.
Case studies and sample forms of multiple types of change orders can be discussed and reviewed for future implementation and preparation.
The method of change order sets up parameters that both parties can understand and plan for the desired outcome of a project completion and its intended use.

Subject: CE-297 (*)(+) Engineering Economics #6: Change Orders Affecting Eng. Projects
Time: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Location: Webinar
Instructor: Salvador Rozenberg, MBA, RPA.

Salvador Rozenberg, MBA, RPA
Mr Rozenberg provides advisory services for various real estate owners, investors, clients and developers with administration services, leasing, procurement, financial statements, construction planning and project monitoring. Interactive with commercial/residential clients with waterproofing projects, sidewalk vaults replacements, roofing repairs, exterior renovations, HVAC upgrades and code compliance. He provides clients with construction planning for dispositions, managing agent functions, building codes, DHCR, HPD and ECB compliance and coordinated residential/retail/commercial development projects. Mr.Rozenberg is also an instructor for graduate, undergraduate and continuing education in business, construction, development, project and real estate management at NYU, Tandon School of Engineering and Schack Real Estate Institute, New York Institute of Technology, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Departments and New York Real Estate Institute.

ME-169 The Need For Rapid Transportation
The unique geology of NY City which constrained lateral growth and the emerging technologies of steel framed construction and electric power which made possible the tall buildings that in turn made for extreme density that provided the need for high capacity transit. The geology of New York which influenced development patterns – the insufficiency of street cars, the development of elevated railways – the construction, technical and operational issues. The congestion of streets, public objections to elevated lines, advances in the state of the tunneling techniques – the methods available and their practical applications. The design and engineering of tunnels and underground stations.

Subject: ME-169 The Need For Rapid Transportation
Time: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Location: Webinar
Instructor: Joseph Cunningham, B.S. Physics

ME-170 The Operation & Technical Evolution of Rapid Transportation
The research and design of transit vehicles, the development of signals to meet the specialized demands, maintenance, power supply, operational constraintsThe changes derived from operating experience, new technologies and materials, economic and social issues that transformed the design and engineering of vehicles, control systems, signals, tunnel and structural.

Subject: ME-170 The Operation & Technical Evolution of Rapid Transportation
Time: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Location: Webinar
Instructor: Joseph Cunningham, B.S. Physics

Joseph Cunningham, B.S. Physics
Mr. Cunningham is recognized as an expert in the technical and historical development of both railways and also electric power systems and has researched the technical, engineering and social aspects of these fields for more than 40 years. He has authored numerous technical publications on the technical history and development of railway and general utility systems for periodicals such as the IEEE Power & Energy Magazine. His latest work is “New York Power” an IEEE History Center book on the development of New York City’s power system.
Some notable recent articles are “Architect of Power”, a review of the development of the power system of New York City and “Howard Street Tunnel” a discussion of the world’s first application of electric propulsion to a main line railroad. He has been a consultant for, and appeared in, several television programs. He has given numerous lectures on the development of railways, rail transit, and electrical power systems to audiences in many different venues including academia, the New York Public Library and IEEE conferences. He has taught programs on rail technology, rail transit development, electrification, as well as general physics at the two year (associate’s degree) level He holds a B.S. in physics from St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, NY

All seminars preceded by a (*) are suitable Learning Units for Architects.

Seminars preceded by a (+) qualify for – Health, Safety, & Welfare credit.

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