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DC 37 Education Benefits

Parliamentary Procedure

The Parliamentary Procedure course is based on Robert’s Rule of Order. This course is designed for those who are new to using parliamentary procedure. Or, would like to refresh their meeting management skills. Learners will be able to understand and apply basic principles of parliamentary procedure that apply to conducting business in meetings, how to handle motions, voting, and enforcing and suspending rules. Learners will also gain knowledge of the most important motions: amend, refer to a committee, postpone definitely, reconsider, rescind, and amend something previously adopted.

*No pre-requisite.

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Call (212) 815-1700 for more information.

Please click on the schedule of your choice to register.

Course Schedule:
This program is currently not accepting applications.

After you apply, you will receive a copy of your application. Once eligibility has been checked, you will receive an email that will require you to confirm.